I did it!
I reinvented the Jello cookie! :D
So, before you ask, my mother used to make me Jello cookies every year for xmas. I love them. Like genuinely.
I hadn't had them in 20 years until last night.
before you start: these need a cookie press. I love mine. They're expensive, you can make cheese straws with them, and they're fun. :D This is the one I have: http://www.lnt.com/product/cookie-presses/171318-450/kuhn-rikon-kuhn-rikon-clear-barrel-cookie-press-with-storage-case-2461-cbl.html?utm_source=googleproductads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term={keyword}
Preheat your oven to 375.
Sift together in a bowl:
4 c. all-purpose gluten free flour
2 1/2 t. xantham gum
1/2 t. salt
2 t. baking powder
Then, using a mixer, blend
1 1/2 c. butter
1 c. sugar
1 3 oz package of regular Jello (I used cranberry)
Once that's light and fluffy add:
2 eggs, one at a time
2 t. vanilla and
1/2 c. heavy cream
Add your flour mixture slowly. When this is done, the texture is very much like really well played with PlayDoh. No, really.
Now use your cookie press and make cookies.
Now, let me tell you. Cookie presses take a little patience.
Patience, and a cold, ungreased cookie sheet.
If the cookies won't stick, wet your dough with a little more water. Try pressing harder. Try wiping off your cookie sheet with a paper towel. It's a process.
You cook these babies at 375 for 10 minutes. Take them off the pan immediately and onto a rack to cool.
They're yummy. Trust me.
Here they are with my spritz cookies (that recipe is for tomorrow).
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